Staff at James Connolly Memorial Hospital Benefit from Reiki

Copyright, The Healing Pages, 2010

Carol Kenny, member of Reiki Federation Ireland says Thursday is one of her favourite days.

This is the day she offers Reiki and Reflexology to staff members at James Connolly Memorial hospital.

In 2003 a Complementary therapy room was set up in the hospital to make relaxation therapies available to staff. The therapies on offer include Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Massage and Reiki.

Currently there are three other therapists working in the room at varying times. The clientele is quite varied. Carol has given treatments to Doctors, X Ray Technicians, Nurses, Medical Secretaries and Kitchen Staff.

The treatments are provided at a reduced cost by the therapists. Staff are able to access the service outside of their woking hours. Some avail of treatments during their lunch hour. Employees who job share often come in on their day off to have a treatment.

Many of the staff have gone on to learn Reiki from Carol because of the benefits they experienced during their initial treatments.

Carol also offers Reiki and Aromatherapy to elderly residents in the long stay unit at the hospital once a month. These treatments are paid for by the residents’ relatives and organised through the Activities Nurse on the unit.

Carol wishes to encourage other therapists to approach the relevant people in other hospitals to set up a similar service for their staff. The gap between Conventional Medicine and Complementary Medicine is lessening and what better place to do it than at source.