Before I got involved with Reiki healing I was the type of person who ran around on nervous energy.

Make your Life Better with ReikiIt was my belief that we were victims to situations and events and the concept of creating reality mindfully and consciously was an alien concept.

My understandings have changed radically over the years. During my own Reiki 1 course the penny started to drop that my attitudes and thought patterns influence my wider reality. I began to understand that I was the one creating my reality and that I was not some victim to random events.

Our thoughts really do matter

As a nurse I had been aware that stress influences physical well being, but I had not made the connection that thought patterns and emotions also impact on our daily reality.

After my Reiki 1 class I began to have a more acute awareness of my thought patterns.With the daily use of Reiki energy I started to perceive reality differently.Things that used to bother me no longer had an emotional hold on me.

Using Reiki helped me change my life

As my life improved with continued self Reiki treatments I started to put the dots together.

Reiki was certainly a holistic therapy. It was calming my mind as well as my body. My life was changing for the better as a consequence of my new state of mind.

I was viewing situations and events differently, and new and exciting opportunities presented themselves to me. These new changes were a direct reflection of the internal changes taking place within me.

Learning how to do Reiki has so many benefits

At a Reiki 1 course everyone who attends learns how to do Reiki treatments on themselves.

Reiki is very easy to administer to oneself and is user friendly in that you can even give yourself some Reiki on a bus or a train.

Reiki energy has the ability to raise the frequency of our thought patterns and empower our emotional state. When we change our internal state of being it is inevitable that our external reality shifts too.

Self Awareness is a Great First Step

At my Reiki 1 courses in Dublin, I highlight the importance of mind body connections.
I outline how our thoughts influence reactions in our physical body. There are some simple exercises I use to demonstrate this:

I get participants at my Reiki 1 trainings to imagine a person that makes them feel happy. With their eyes closed they see this person in their minds eye. Once they do this for a few minutes, I get them to change the picture in their mind. The second thing I get them to focus on is a person that makes them feel angry.

Before I finish the exercise I tell everyone that I am going to give them a slice of lemon when they open their eyes. I get them to imagine a juicy yellow lemon.

Every thought is important

It is interesting to hear the feedback from the various Reiki classes after this practical exercise. It highlights how our thoughts influence different chemical reactions in our body. The feelings we have when we think about someone we like are very different to the reactions we experience when focusing on someone who makes us angry.

The feedback given when the groups focus on a lemon is consistent. Most people in the group notice an increase in the production of saliva. Some people even smell a lemon. However, where is the lemon! I never have a lemon with me. It exists only in the participants’ imagination and yet they all react physically to what they are thinking about in that moment.

Reiki can change your reality by helping you change your state of mind

I have been teaching Reiki courses in Dublin since 1996. During that time I have witnessed hundreds of people change their lives by using Reiki holistic energy. Reiki helped them elevate their minds and emotional states and as a result their lives started to unfold differently.

If you would like to experience the benefits of Reiki healing energy you might consider taking a Reiki 1 class in Dublin. For more information on Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master courses visit

Imagine what you could do if you had more confidence in your abilities.

How many people have talents they never explore and adventures they never live due to a lack of self belief?

We all have different journeys to live and individual challenges and insecurities to overcome.
That said, there is an empowering tool which can help us all regardless of our circumstances.

The gentle energy of Reiki is widely recognised for the benefit of confidence it brings to many people.

Learning how to do self Reiki treatments at a Reiki 1 course is easy.
Reiki is practical and user friendly in that you can use it on yourself every day at home, in your office or even if travelling on a bus or train.
All that is required is the gentle application of Reiki hand positions on your body.

Reiki energy vibrates at a frequency higher than our basic survival issues, our limiting beliefs and our fears. When we use Reiki energy on ourselves on a continuous basis, our own internal frequency starts to elevate itself.

This shift and elevation in frequency manifests itself as a changed state of mind.
Change a mindset and you will observe that the emotional state of a person also changes as well as physical well being.

I recognised in my years as a nurse the importance of peoples’ mindsets.
It appeared no accident to me that people who constantly worried were constantly unwell.

I used to contemplate, what would these people experience if they could change the way they think and feel about themselves. In short what would their lives be like if they had a different state of mind.

Everywhere you go you are. Anyone who has done a lot of travelling will tell you that. You can move away from your current physical environment, but if you don’t change your state of mind, you tend to recreate the same challenges and circumstances.

Using Reiki on my-self is what enabled me to change the way I perceive reality.
Reiki changed my state of mind and my confidence levels and a natural consequence of this was that my life changed.

I started to experience a new confidence with ongoing self Reiki treatments.
By degrees I developed a passion and will to engage with experiences I never would have dreamed of before. Such was my passion for Reiki that I decided to teach Reiki courses full time and I left behind my career as a nurse.

My story is not unique. Reiki has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide. It has been my great honour to see people blossom and flower during my years of teaching Reiki.

There are many testimonials and case histories on my website that reflect the transformational changes that occur following Reiki training courses.

If you would like to read any of these Reiki stories or would like to find out more about Reiki visit

Learn How to Relax Easily

Stress is a huge concern at the moment. People are worried about their jobs, their future and their assets. Sleep challenges, irritability and feeling down are more common than ever before.
While many seek solace in medication, others are investigating natural healing methods as a means of self empowerment.

Reiki therapy could be the answer you have been looking for

If you could do with more energy, would like to relax more and sleep better then Reiki could be the solution for you. Reiki is being used in mainstream medicine and by the corporate world to reduce stress and promote a sense of well being.

Why Reiki has such a broad appeal

Reiki is a gentle and non invasive form of energy therapy.
There is no removal of clothing in Reiki.
Reiki healing is non manipulative, involving a sequence of hand positions on or above the body.

How can I experience this energy?

The two ways to experience Reiki are to have a Reiki treatment from a Reiki practitioner or to learn how to do Reiki for you by attending a Reiki 1 course.

Is Reiki difficult to learn?

The beauty of Reiki is that it is very easy to learn and very easy to give to yourself after the
two day Reiki class. Reiki is something that everyone can learn how to do.

Do I have to believe in Reiki for it to work?

It is not necessary to know anything about Reiki, or to have a strong belief about whether it will work to see results after giving you Reiki. Sceptical people often remark on great benefits following Reiki treatments.

What is Involved in learning Reiki

Reiki is taught over two days.During the two days, you are taught how to give yourself Reiki and you are also
shown how you could give friends and family Reiki chair or table treatments.

Upcoming Reiki 1 training in Dublin with former nurse Angela Gorman

Stillorgan Park Hotel, 26th and 27th of May

Angela has been teaching Reiki in Ireland since 1996. She has a very practical approach. She presents the information in an easy to understand and captivating way. Angela is dedicated to high standards of Reiki training and co-founded Reiki Federation Ireland.

Limited Time Special Discount on Angela’s upcoming Reiki course on the 26th and 27th May

A Reiki 1 course with Angela is normally € 250.
For a limited time your investment is only €175.

Those who book also receive a bonus gift of Angela’s CD Ultimate Reiki, along with
one Free Entry Ticket to one of Angela’s Reiki Get-Togethers in 2012. Angela gives everyone who attends a Reiki course manual and a Reiki certificate at the end of day 2.

For more information on Angela’s upcoming course click on the link below: