Every day there seems to be a new brand of natural healing on the market.
It can become quite confusing to choose the right one for you. Reiki therapy is a method of natural healing which is attracting lots of attention. The corporate world use Reiki for stress management. Hospitals and nursing homes worldwide offer Reiki treatments as a compliment to conventional medicine.

What is Reiki Healing?

Reiki is a very popular form of energy healing which can be administered as a gentle touch therapy.

Reiki healing works on balancing the mind, emotions and the physical body.
The two ways to experience Reiki are to have a Reiki treatment from a Reiki practitioner or alternatively to learn how to do Reiki for yourself by attending a Reiki 1 course.

Reiki Treatments in Dublin

Reiki therapy has grown in popularity since I first started teaching Reiki in Dublin in 1996. There are now Reiki practitioners practicing Reiki in every suberb in Dublin.

A Reiki treatment takes one hour. The beauty of Reiki treatments is that they are non invasive.
There is no removal of clothing and there is no manipulation or massage during the Reiki treatment.

Unless you are unable to lie down, Reiki treatments are given on a comfortable Reiki table. It is possible to give Reiki energy healing chair treatments if necessary.

During the Reiki treatment, the Reiki practitioner places his or her hands gently on or above the body in a sequence of Reiki hand positions. The client may feel tangible sensations during the process such as heat, tingling or a cool feeling. A sense of deep relaxation is commonly reported from clients and drifting into a deep sleep during Reiki treatment is not unusual.

Reiki energy is a natural healing method with no side effects. People of all ages are attracted to the many benefits Reiki has to offer.

Some of the long term benefits of Reiki healing are:

  • Reduction in Stress Levels
  • Promotes confidence
  • Increases natural energy reserves
  • Helps bring clarity in decision making
  • Assists with changing old habits

How many Reiki treatments should I have?

People attend Reiki treatments for various reasons. If you choose Reiki as a method of pampering or a boost then a Reiki treatment once in a while is sufficient.

If you have a chronic condition and wish to have Reiki treatments with the aim of improving your health challenge, ongoing weekly treatments are usually encouraged for a period of six to eight weeks. The reiki energy is cumulative and builds up in the system. While results may be noticed after one treatment, ongoing Reiki treatments are desirable for long term results.

Acute conditions are conditions that you have had for a shorter period of time. Less Reiki energy treatments may be required to notice long term results in these cases.

For more information on Reiki Healing and Reiki treatments in Dublin, Ireland visit www.thehealingpages.com