It is a joy to teach Reiki regardless of the level of Reiki training involved.
I always delight in how people wake up to their potential at Reiki 1 classes and how they expand upon that awareness at Reiki 2. Those who ultimately turn up to Advanced Practitioner Reiki courses are committed to major quantum leaps in their self development.

Reiki Spiritual HealingTraditionally there are three levels of Reiki training; Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki 3.
The Reiki Practitioner level of training is a bridge between Reiki 2 and Reiki 3.
It was created for those who are serious about Reiki and for those who plan on becoming Reiki practitioners. I’ve always facilitated this Reiki course, as I see it as a level where invaluable information is given.

At my Reiki Advanced Practitioner courses we cover a lot of territory

On day one I go into detail about how specific mindsets can be linked to specific physical challenges.
This information is given to highlight the interconnectedness of mind and body.

It is amazing to observe how participants begin to understand themselves better.
They gain an increased awareness about how their thought patterns impact on their physical well being.

Why the Information Given is so Important

I have observed huge shifts in the mindsets and lives of people who attend my Reiki Advanced courses. These changes occur in participants who wake up to their habitual thought patterns and actively change them.

This awareness also helps potential Reiki practitioners in the group. In a Reiki treatment a Reiki practitioner does not have a licence to diagnose. However, a well trained and experienced Reiki therapist will be able to resonate to their clients when they have a deep understanding of mind body connections.

What else is covered at this Reiki Course

Asides from amazing self realisations on day one, we progress on to Reiki clinical practice on day two. Those who plan on pursuing Reiki as a career are prepared for the professional road.

We discuss malpractice insurance, the importance of having a current first aid course as well as the basics of running a Reiki practice.

Reiki practitioners have to fill in consultation forms for malpractice reasons before a client’s first Reiki treatment. I show the group how to approach this and highlight the questions that are frequently asked before and after Reiki treatments.

Along with the information that is covered at this Reiki training course, we also do, have a Reiki attunement and explore Reiki symbols.

To find out more about Reiki classes in Dublin visit