Six years old to 90 years plus learn Reiki

There are not too many things in life which are very popular with both children and the elderly. Reiki I am happy to say is one of those things.

Reiki Courses for Children,Teenagers, Adults and Elders

I have been teaching Reiki classes in Dublin since 1996. During all of this time, I have had great interest in my Reiki training courses from children, teenagers, adults and our wise elders.

Why Children benefit from Reiki

Reiki is easy to learn and easy to use. Children are uncomplicated relative to most adults and quickly understand how Reiki can be beneficial to them.

My Childrens’ Reiki courses only take two hours. This compares with two days for adults! Children have less of a past, do not have years of conditioning and are more open to accept something which is explained simply and reasonably.

I use art to teach the children Reiki. This is a great way of explaining energy to them.
They are shown how to Reiki themselves and how to share Reiki with others.

Reiki is a great way for children to relax if they are worried about something. It also helps them with general aches and pains, flues and childhood physical challenges.

As Reiki also works on the emotional levels, it tends to instil confidence into the children who attend Reiki classes.

Teenagers practice Reiki too…

Teenage years can be challenging on many levels.These years can be emotionally challenging as peer pressure is a huge issue.

In my years of teaching Reiki, the Reiki courses for teenagers have been the most challenging. Teenagers wish to be ‘cool’ and to be accepted. This is all brought to the Reiki course.
It is important the facilitator understands the mind of a teenager and knows how to communicate Reiki in a fashionable and appealing way. Once this is achieved, in my experience, the teenagers use Reiki energy and are delighted with how it helps them.They use Reiki healing to relax, to help with confidence and to focus during times of stress such as exams.

Adults know they need something !

What is it all about is a question in the minds of many adults. Beyond the career, the relationship and money what is there. Many are searching for answers outside of themselves to find that all the answers lie within.

Using self Reiki treatments is a great way to touch base with the essence of who you are. Many insights, ideas and revelations come in a state of deep relaxation. Reiki energy brings a person to this state easily and seamlessly.

Adults also attend Reiki 1 courses to gain a greater sense of self and to use it as a preventative measure against physical challenges. Others attend Reiki trainings with the desire to help a current physical challenge or to assist with emotional healing.

Older and Wiser

I have always loved people heavy in years. There is nothing like the wisdom of experience to put life into perspective.

People in their nineties have come along to my Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Advanced classes. They innately know that this natural energy can benefit them.They come to the Reiki classes with true acceptance like the children do. Unlike the children they also have the wisdom of age. It is always a true delight to have such a person in a Reiki class.

If you would like to find out more about Reiki healing or Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master courses visit

Reiki has been recommended by the WHO to become part of medical and hospital services worldwide. It has been proven to do as little as increasing oxygen in the blood, and as much as saving people’s lives. This is no longer in the realm of complementary therapy, but a proven healing art. Stephanie Mahon – reports in Health and Living Magazine in 2003.

Stephanie noticed major changes and welcomed benefits in her life, after attending
a Reiki 1 course with Angela Gorman in Dublin, Ireland.

Stephanie talks about the benefits of Reiki below:

“I practiced every day for a few weeks and offered it to both my flatmates and my family. They all said it was very relaxing, and I even helped to ease my flatmates headache.

I also practiced Reiki on myself. I did it while watching TV, on the bus, in work, before bed: anytime and any place I could. I have only had two bad night’s sleep since doing the course, which is unbelievable, and my migraines have completely disappeared. I cannot describe what a relief this is.

Apart from these results, I find that since learning Reiki I have started to choose a healthier way of life. Subtly, I have been changing the way I treat myself and people around me. I have started to exercise regularly, eat better and I have given up smoking. It is only looking back that I see these changes. I used to be, perversely, a little proud of my sedentary lifestyle, but now can’t see why I would do that to myself. I have also become a lot more content and relaxed, and, I hope, nicer to be with”.

What Is Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing is really a gentle but potent hands on recovery fine art. It can help restore balance and tranquility to the body and mind. Utilized around the world by individuals of most creeds as well as opinion systems, Reiki is something that may benefit everyone.

The energy involved with Reiki therapy is the common energy which surrounds all life. We cannot see this energy without specialized support, since it operates at a speed which is too fast for our naked eye to see. The energy flows openly through us when we are available to receive it.

At a Reiki 1 course you learn how to connect to this natural energy and how to use it.

What is involved in learning Reiki?

Reiki 1 is the first level of Reiki training and this Reiki course is a life changing experience!.

At this level of Reiki training you learn how to do Reiki on yourself.
You are also shown how you could give Reiki treatments to family and friends.

Most Reiki 1 classes are held over two days.

  • You are shown the practicalities of how to use Reiki.
  • Everyone is shown how to give themselves a Reiki treatment.
  • Time is also devoted to doing Reiki chair and table treatments

At the courses with The Healing Pages you gain insights into the scientific understandings of energy. How the mind and emotions impact on physical health are also outlined.

For more information on courses in Dublin, Ireland you can click on the link below:

What is Reiki

Reiki is a form of energy healing which is holistic in how it brings balance to mind and body.
The two ways to experience Reiki healing therapy would be to have a Reiki treatment from a Reiki practitioner or alternatively to learn how to do Reiki yourself by attending a Reiki course.
The effectiveness of Reiki is gaining new respect within the wider medical community. Not only are highly reputable medical facilities throughout the U.S. offering patients Reiki healing , those facilities are analyzing the benefits of their programmes and are submitting them for review and compilation.

Reiki Training

The starting off point if you intend on learning Reiki is to attend a Reiki 1 course.
At this level of Reiki training you learn all about Reiki.
This level of Reiki training is usually held over two days.

Some of the items covered at a comprehensive Reiki 1 class should include:

  • The concept of energy healing discussed
  • The chakras , energy field and endocrine system outlined
  • The healing potentials of Reiki
  • About Reiki and how safe it is to use in all situations
  • Energetic initiation to Reiki
  • Illustration and practise of doing self Reiki treatments in class
  • Reiki and its many uses
  • About Reiki History
  • Showing the group how to do chair treatments
  • Showing the group how to do table treatments
  • Time for offering Reiki to each other in class

The whole idea after a Reiki 1 course is that you integrate what you learn
by doing self Reiki treatments on an ongoing basis.
Those who use Reiki on themselves regularly report many benefits.
These include a reduction in stress levels, increased energy levels, a greater enthusiasm
for life, improvement in dietary habits and a sense of inner peace.
You can also share Reiki with family and friends after doing a Reiki 1 course.

Reiki Healing Treatments

For those who wish to experience Reiki therapy but are not inclined to attend a Reiki course, a Reiki treatment would be the preferred option.
A Reiki treatment is a very relaxing non invasive experience.
It usually lasts one hour. You remain fully clothed and lie down on a massage table.
The Reiki practitioner uses a sequence of Reiki positions over the body.
People sometimes feel a variety of sensations as the energy flows through the body.
These can include heat, tingling or a coolness.
Most people find Reiki very relaxing and fall asleep during the treatment.

For more information on Reiki and Reiki courses visit: