There is no doubt that more women than men are drawn to complimentary therapies. Attend any massage, reflexology or yoga course and you are guaranteed that men will be outnumbered by women by at least three to one.

Men-Do-Reiki-Courses-TooWomen innately view things holistically and it is little wonder that an interest in holistic therapies would be a consequence of that fact.

Communication is Key

Men tend to be more practical than women and are often put off by the way complimentary therapies are explained.

As a practical, open minded lady who knows the benefits Reiki has to offer, I sometimes cringe at the impoverished way Reiki is presented.

Stating that Reiki is a Universal Energy that works is not enough to satisfy the inquiring minds of most men.

Science versus blind faith

We live in an age when quantum physics is beginning to understand the reason why some natural energy therapies work. Reiki is being used in hospitals worldwide, and there have been some interesting studies done to bring more credibility to Reiki.

All of this information is available at our finger tips. Yet, it is not outlined in any great way when Reiki healing or Reiki courses are being explained to men.

A Practical Approach works best

I have had the great fortune of facilitating Reiki courses internationally. Everywhere I have been, I have observed that men have much less resistance to Reiki energy if it is explained in a down to earth way.

At my Reiki 1 classes I give participants a suggested reading list and I also recommend DVDs they can watch. Books and documentaries which outline the science of energy are included.

Examples of the DVDS I recommend include The Living Matrix and What the Bleep do we know. Books like The Field by Lynn Mc Taggart are listed.

Committed to the Reiki Journey

About 80% of the men who do Reiki 1 workshops with me continue on to attend Reiki 2, Reiki practitioner courses and the Reiki Master level of training.

Given that Reiki has been explained comprehensively to them, they are very diligent and sincere about using it. They go home and do regular self Reiki treatments on themselves. They also frequently give Reiki treatments to family and friends.

Investigative Minds are a wonderful thing

I love the way the male mind loves testing out Reiki. An open minded person is one who investigates something without presupposing the results.

One of my male Reiki students decided to mark a patch of grass on his lawn. He beamed Reiki energy at this target area regularly to see if it grew quicker than the rest of the garden. The answer was that it did!
Another man bought two identical plants and used Reiki energy on one and none on the other. The difference in the rate of growth between the two was quite remarkable.

The Benefits of Reiki are many

If you are interested in Reiki, perhaps you will investigate having a Reiki treatment or attend Reiki 1 class. Be mindful of the fact that Reiki is unregulated in most parts of the world.

I am happy to say that Reiki in Ireland is undergoing a process of self regulation. My recommendation is that you choose an experienced Reiki practitioner who has their feet firmly on the ground!

For more information and articles about Reiki healing or Reiki 1 courses and Advanced Reiki trainings visit

Reiki and ReligionI was introduced to Reiki as a healing energy therapy while I lived in New York. One of the things which greatly appealed to me about my Reiki school in Manhattan was that so many cultures and creeds were attracted to Reiki classes.

Like many other cities, New York has its Irish area, its Jewish and Italian neighbourhoods. For me it was like a breath of fresh air to meet people that I normally would have no occasion to interact with. Reiki energy had a broad appeal that touched people on a deep level despite their diversity.

Reiki in Ireland is popular with all cultures and creeds

I have been teaching Reiki courses in Dublin since 1996. Reiki in Ireland attracts people from a broad spectrum. Many people from a variety of cultures and traditions moved to Ireland during the boom times. These people are now represented at my Reiki classes in Dublin.

It is a true delight to have people who have different points of view about religion unite as a cohesive group when it comes to Reiki healing.

Reiki energy is truly holistic and is not dependent on a person’s belief systems and conditioning. You can happily practice Reiki if you are religious or a non believer. Atheists get just as much joy and healing from this wonderful tool of empowerment.

Nuns and Priests learn Reiki too..

I have taught many nuns and priests Reiki. They love it, and find it a great compliment to their prayer life. A wonderful priest, Fr. Padraig, born in Ireland who now lives in Brazil wrote a great book called Reiki for Christians.

He has in turn introduced and taught Reiki to nuns, priests and even bishops in Brazil. They understand that Reiki is not religiously based and recognise it for what it is – a tool of empowerment.

Why do some people say Reiki is anti Christian?

It has always amused me how some people are concerned about nuns and priests getting involved with healing techniques like Reiki. On some level they think it is in conflict with a Christian belief system.

Such people tend to associate Reiki and Yoga with Buddhism because these techniques have their origins in the east. Of course this is totally incorrect, but closed minds tend not to be great listeners!

From time to time I have participants at my Reiki courses in Ireland who say their relatives were concerned about them getting involved with Reiki, as they considered it anti catholic. I am delighted to report that these participants were mindful enough to make up their own minds about that.

Reiki is there for everyone

The sun, moon and stars show their energy and beauty for everyone. Reiki is not unlike nature in this regard. It is a natural, pure energy which everyone can benefit from.

If you are interested in finding out more about Reiki energy or about Reiki courses and classes in Dublin visit

Before I got involved with Reiki healing I was the type of person who ran around on nervous energy.

Make your Life Better with ReikiIt was my belief that we were victims to situations and events and the concept of creating reality mindfully and consciously was an alien concept.

My understandings have changed radically over the years. During my own Reiki 1 course the penny started to drop that my attitudes and thought patterns influence my wider reality. I began to understand that I was the one creating my reality and that I was not some victim to random events.

Our thoughts really do matter

As a nurse I had been aware that stress influences physical well being, but I had not made the connection that thought patterns and emotions also impact on our daily reality.

After my Reiki 1 class I began to have a more acute awareness of my thought patterns.With the daily use of Reiki energy I started to perceive reality differently.Things that used to bother me no longer had an emotional hold on me.

Using Reiki helped me change my life

As my life improved with continued self Reiki treatments I started to put the dots together.

Reiki was certainly a holistic therapy. It was calming my mind as well as my body. My life was changing for the better as a consequence of my new state of mind.

I was viewing situations and events differently, and new and exciting opportunities presented themselves to me. These new changes were a direct reflection of the internal changes taking place within me.

Learning how to do Reiki has so many benefits

At a Reiki 1 course everyone who attends learns how to do Reiki treatments on themselves.

Reiki is very easy to administer to oneself and is user friendly in that you can even give yourself some Reiki on a bus or a train.

Reiki energy has the ability to raise the frequency of our thought patterns and empower our emotional state. When we change our internal state of being it is inevitable that our external reality shifts too.

Self Awareness is a Great First Step

At my Reiki 1 courses in Dublin, I highlight the importance of mind body connections.
I outline how our thoughts influence reactions in our physical body. There are some simple exercises I use to demonstrate this:

I get participants at my Reiki 1 trainings to imagine a person that makes them feel happy. With their eyes closed they see this person in their minds eye. Once they do this for a few minutes, I get them to change the picture in their mind. The second thing I get them to focus on is a person that makes them feel angry.

Before I finish the exercise I tell everyone that I am going to give them a slice of lemon when they open their eyes. I get them to imagine a juicy yellow lemon.

Every thought is important

It is interesting to hear the feedback from the various Reiki classes after this practical exercise. It highlights how our thoughts influence different chemical reactions in our body. The feelings we have when we think about someone we like are very different to the reactions we experience when focusing on someone who makes us angry.

The feedback given when the groups focus on a lemon is consistent. Most people in the group notice an increase in the production of saliva. Some people even smell a lemon. However, where is the lemon! I never have a lemon with me. It exists only in the participants’ imagination and yet they all react physically to what they are thinking about in that moment.

Reiki can change your reality by helping you change your state of mind

I have been teaching Reiki courses in Dublin since 1996. During that time I have witnessed hundreds of people change their lives by using Reiki holistic energy. Reiki helped them elevate their minds and emotional states and as a result their lives started to unfold differently.

If you would like to experience the benefits of Reiki healing energy you might consider taking a Reiki 1 class in Dublin. For more information on Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master courses visit

One thing I always have to be mindful of when organising a Reiki Get together or Reiki Gathering as some of you call them, is that there is enough room for everyone.

These evenings are open to anyone who has completed a Reiki 1 course with me or with another Reiki teacher. Although, due to room constraints I really only advertise them amongst my own group.

Why do people still come along after a decade and more…

Reiki Energy HealingAt every Reiki Get together we have what we affectionately call the regulars or the oldies!
These are people who started their Reiki path with me when I first started teaching Reiki in Ireland in 1996. It is a real honour and quite a humbling experience to see people from those early days still attend and get something from these Reiki evenings.

What happens at these Reiki evenings?

No two Reiki evenings are the same, but we always have time for Reiki stories, a booster Reiki attunement, and Reiki chair or Reiki table treatments. We also have a cuppa and some chocolate biscuits at some stage during the evening.

Meeting Like Minded People is a Big Appeal

It is lovely to gather and meet likeminded people, and to know when you walk in the door that everyone is on the same page. This can be said for any interest or hobby a person might have.

You may not have many friends or family members who share your interest in Reiki, or who understand where you are coming from. It is great to have a forum where you can touch base with others and share stories.

A great cross section of people who have done various levels of Reiki training attend.
Some have just completed Reiki 1; while others have gone on to do Reiki 2, Advanced Reiki Practitioner level, and the Reiki teaching level.

Wonderful Opportunity to Get the Practice of Giving Reiki to others

During the Reiki evening everyone gets a chance to give and receive Reiki.
Offering Reiki treatments is a wonderful confidence booster for those who are new to Reiki.
It is also a great way to gain valuable experience if you are thinking of doing Reiki professionally at some stage.

Get Re-Inspired, Motivated and Enjoy Deep Relaxation

When I ask people why they keep coming back, I am told that these Reiki evenings are very inspiring.
People comment on how they notice great benefits for weeks afterwards.
Others comment on how relaxed the evenings make them feel.

My own sense is that these Reiki gatherings also give people a sense of community and belonging.
They seem to provide a social aspect to the other benefits of Reiki.

See you at our next Reiki Get together!

You will find my next Reiki Gathering listed on my website

All of these evenings are held at the Stillorgan Park Hotel and are usually on Sundays.
Make sure to book in advance as space is limited.

Reiki reduces PainDuring my years as a nurse I observed many people challenged with pain for a myriad of reasons.

Modern medicine with its interventions and medication goes a long way to reduce pain.
However, for those challenged with chronic pain conditions, it is wonderful to have a natural healing method which has no side effects and can assist with pain relief.

I personally became aware of the amazing ability Reiki has in helping to reduce pain, when I had a severe tooth ache shortly after learning Reiki. By just gently placing my hand on my jaw, I could instantly feel the energy going to the area, and the pain subsided. There is nothing like a personal experience to convince you that something works, and that was a major convincer for me.

How Self Reiki treatments helped with a painful back injury

In my years of teaching Reiki courses, I have been witness to wonderful stories from people who attend my Reiki trainings. I frequently hear accounts about how Reiki has helped with pain relief. These stories cover a wide range of challenges including back pain, migraine, menstrual cramps, Chron’s disease to mention but a few.

One of the stories that come to my mind is how Reiki helped Michael a foreman and painting contractor. He sustained a major injury to his T 12 vertebrae and was told it would be challenging to get back to work and for it to heal. He was also warned about experiencing a lot of pain.

Michael had done Reiki training classes with me, and started to use his self-Reiki treatments immediately. Michael returned to work in a short space of time with full mobility.
His consultant was amazed at how well his bone healed.

Louise reduces the frequency and intensity of her Migraine Headaches

Louise attended a Reiki 1 class with me challenged y with severe migraines. She was a teaching assistant at the time, and in her own words, she was lucky if she got a day or two free of migraines. Having had Migraines since she was nine years old, they were getting progressively worse. Her symptoms included loss of sight, sometimes loss of speech as the headache started as well as severe nausea.

Within a month of using Reiki on herself her situation changed radically. Her headaches were down to one or two a month at the most. She reported that on the onset of any headache she immediately used Reiki and the migraine just went away. She no longer uses painkillers. She says that her life is much more relaxed and much more enjoyable now.

It is easy to use Reiki

The beauty of Reiki is that it is easy to use. Once you have completed a Reiki 1 training course, you can administer Reiki energy healing to yourself.

If you are experiencing pain, gently place one or both of your hands on the relevant area. Reiki is not directed by conscious thought and is not an academic discipline, so you do not need to concentrate as you are giving yourself Reiki.

To read more stories about Reiki and how it helps with physical challenges and pain relief visit