Imagine what you could do if you had more confidence in your abilities.

How many people have talents they never explore and adventures they never live due to a lack of self belief?

We all have different journeys to live and individual challenges and insecurities to overcome.
That said, there is an empowering tool which can help us all regardless of our circumstances.

The gentle energy of Reiki is widely recognised for the benefit of confidence it brings to many people.

Learning how to do self Reiki treatments at a Reiki 1 course is easy.
Reiki is practical and user friendly in that you can use it on yourself every day at home, in your office or even if travelling on a bus or train.
All that is required is the gentle application of Reiki hand positions on your body.

Reiki energy vibrates at a frequency higher than our basic survival issues, our limiting beliefs and our fears. When we use Reiki energy on ourselves on a continuous basis, our own internal frequency starts to elevate itself.

This shift and elevation in frequency manifests itself as a changed state of mind.
Change a mindset and you will observe that the emotional state of a person also changes as well as physical well being.

I recognised in my years as a nurse the importance of peoples’ mindsets.
It appeared no accident to me that people who constantly worried were constantly unwell.

I used to contemplate, what would these people experience if they could change the way they think and feel about themselves. In short what would their lives be like if they had a different state of mind.

Everywhere you go you are. Anyone who has done a lot of travelling will tell you that. You can move away from your current physical environment, but if you don’t change your state of mind, you tend to recreate the same challenges and circumstances.

Using Reiki on my-self is what enabled me to change the way I perceive reality.
Reiki changed my state of mind and my confidence levels and a natural consequence of this was that my life changed.

I started to experience a new confidence with ongoing self Reiki treatments.
By degrees I developed a passion and will to engage with experiences I never would have dreamed of before. Such was my passion for Reiki that I decided to teach Reiki courses full time and I left behind my career as a nurse.

My story is not unique. Reiki has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide. It has been my great honour to see people blossom and flower during my years of teaching Reiki.

There are many testimonials and case histories on my website that reflect the transformational changes that occur following Reiki training courses.

If you would like to read any of these Reiki stories or would like to find out more about Reiki visit

Reiki therapy is often remarked upon for the benefits sceptics receive following Reiki treatments.

Reiki energy is not driven by conscious thought. It is directed by the deeper mind, the subconscious aspect of a person.

When you breathe or when your heart beats, are you thinking about it? Are you controlling these important functions with your conscious mind? It is ironic perhaps that most adults assume we need to be thinking in order for things to happen. Yet, when it comes to important matters like breathing and blood flow, a part of our nervous system operating below conscious thought is in control.

During Reiki treatments, the practitioner is like a conduit through which the Reiki energy flows.
This energy is not the practitioner’s personal energy. Reiki practitioners have been taught how to facilitate the flow of free energy which surrounds all life. In essence Reiki practitioners are just vessels for this energy.

When the Reiki practitioner places their hands on the client’s body, the client is now in receipt of the energy. It flows exactly where it need to flow, being directed by the subconscious mind of the client.
The flow of Reiki energy and where it goes is not directed by the practitioner.

Reiki works on unconscious patients who are not consciously aware. Reiki has also been used in operating rooms during surgery, when patients are under the influence of anaesthesia.

Reiki was used in the operating room of the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City. The New York Times magazine reported about the use of Reiki during open-heart surgeries and heart transplantations performed by Dr. Mehmet Oz. None of the 11 heart patients treated with Reiki by Reiki Master Julie Motz experienced the usual postoperative depression, the bypass patients had no postoperative pain or leg weakness; and the transplant patients experienced no organ rejection.

Reiki also works effectively on animals who have no conscious belief system about Reiki. They appear to have a deep understanding about what healing energy can do for them.

When a person attends a Reiki treatment it is understandable that there may be doubts about the effectiveness of Reiki and some sceptical thoughts regarding potential results. The good news is that a client can be sceptical and report benefits afterwards. A deep acceptance for change or a healing is what enhances the Reiki session.

Likewise, a person who states consciously that they believe in Reiki, may be the very person who on a deeper level has a resistance to change. This resistance will inhibit the effectiveness of a Reiki treatment as Reiki energy always flows according to the deep acceptance levels of the client.

In my own personal experience of giving Reiki treatments, I can say that people always get from Reiki energy what they need in the moment. We all have free will and Reiki moves according to its unique rhythm.

For more information on Reiki visit: